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Department of Small and Local Business Development

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Made in DC Certification Program

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Made in DC

The Made in DC program supports and promotes DC resident-owned businesses that make products locally, including intellectual property (music, art, patent, and written works). 

Become a member - Enroll today and join a vibrant and creative business community. Made in DC is a DC government certification program operated by DSLBD. By applicable law, DSLBD will ask you to submit information to verify the following four criteria:

  • Is your primary office/business located within the District of Columbia?
  • Do you possess a current and active DC business license?
  • Do you certify that either the majority of owners are District residents or 51% or more of your employees are District residents?
  • Can you certify that 51% of your product is designed, produced, assembled, or manufactured through a process involving intellectual property, ingredients, raw materials, or other components derived from the District of Columbia?

Why join?

As a member, you will receive a profile on our website, access to technical assistance, workshops, training, and networking opportunities, and permission to utilize the Made in DC logo.

To sign up, visit: BECOME A DC MAKER

 Have more questions? Email [email protected] or call (202) 727-3900.



2024 Made in DC: Pull Up & Pitch Series: This is an exciting opportunity for Made in DC Certified maker businesses to showcase their innovations, network with fellow entrepreneurs, and gain valuable insights from industry experts. Made in DC will host a Pull-Up and Pitch series designed to foster growth and collaboration within the vibrant maker community of the District of Columbia. To learn more, click here. 

    • Pitch Event #1: Friday, August 16, 2024
      • Application Deadline is August 15, 2024, at 2 PM EST.
      • To participate in this pitch event, submit your application here


    • Pitch Event #2: Friday, August 30, 2024
      • Application Deadline is August 29, 2024, at 2 PM EST.
      • To participate in this pitch event, submit your application here


    • Pitch Event #3: Friday, September 20, 2024
      • Application Deadline is September 19, 2024, at 2 PM EST.
      • To participate in this pitch event, submit your application here