Resources for Financial Success
May 4, 2022, 11 AM to 6 PM at Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
Mayor Bowser, the Department of Local and Small Busines Development, DISB, and DC Public Library present the 2022 DC Business Expo: Resources for Financial Success.
Please join us at the Martin Luther King Jr Library on May 4th and position your DC-based business for financial success by learning about financial resources available from the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), Department of Insurance Securities and Banking (DISB) and DC Public Library (DCPL), & their access to capital partners. For DC businesses & DC residents exploring entrepreneurship.
Expo Activities include Workshops, Consultations with lenders and business specialists, Computer training, Maker lab demos, & Rooftop networking.
The Expo is organized by DSLBD's District Capitalized Program, DISB's District of Columbia Business Capital Program, and DCPL's Adult Services team at MLK Central Library.
EVENT SIGN IN -- 11 AM to 4 PM
- Check-in for Pre-Event Registrations
- Walk-in Registration
- Consultation Session Signup
WORKSHOPS -- 11:30 AM to 4 PM: Facilitated panel discussions by local lenders, agencies, and service providers on four business finance topics.
- Insurance, Banking, and Money Management
- Stacking Capital: Overview of Financing Options for Small Businesses
- Grant and Loan Readiness for Businesses: Creating Winning Applications
- Sales First: Generating Revenue via Retail, Ecommerce, and Contracting
TECH SKILLS FOR FINANCING -- 11:30 AM to 4 PM: Hands-on computer training (To be confirmed).
- Excel for Money Management
- Digital Business Resources
- Google Slides for Pitching Your Business
MAKER LAB DEMOS & CONSULTATIONS -- 11:30 am to 4 pm: Explore tools available to make products and media. Meet with Made in DC Coordinator.
CONSULTATIONS -- 1 pm to 4 pm: DC-based business owners or DC residents may meet for 20-minutes with 17 subject matter experts, including lenders and small business development and finance specialists. NOTE: Indicate interest in this registration form but MUST SIGN UP IN PERSON on May 4th at MLK Library
ReNETWORKNG ON THE ROOFTOP -- 4 pm to 6 pm: Come chat with other DC businesses and finance experts to connect and grow your DC business!