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Department of Small and Local Business Development

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Just Cannabusiness RFA Medical Cultivator Grant

The District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) is excited to announce that it will be soliciting applications for the Fiscal Year 2024 Just Cannabusiness Medical Cultivator Grant. DSLBD intends to award grants in amounts ranging between $2,000 and $50,000 from the total $300,000 available for medical cannabis cultivator grants. 

The FY24 Just Cannabusiness Medical Cultivator Grant Program is designed to increase the supply of medical cannabis in the District of Columbia, which must be grown in the District. DSLBD intends to award these grants to resident-owned, licensed medical cannabis cultivators to support the overall growth of the medical cannabis sector. Following the expansion of the license types and number of licenses allowable through the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA), increasing the District’s medical cannabis supply will support the entire medical cannabis market as additional retailers and other license holders seek to enter the market. 

Medial Cannabis Cultivator grants will focus on supporting additional regulated cultivation centers coming online into full production and are only available to applicants who can demonstrate proof of 51% or more DC resident ownership.

See the full instructions and link to apply in the Official Request for Applications below.


DSLBD will offer a virtual information session and virtual drop-in question and answer sessions. To register, go to Reach out to [email protected] with any questions not asked or answered during these sessions. No calls accepted.