WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Mayor Vincent C. Gray swore in members of the new Business Regulatory Reform Task Force at Ward 5’s DC Brau Brewing Company, a local manufacturing startup. Making the District the most business-friendly city in the nation is one of six visions in the Mayor’s recently released Five-Year Economic Development Strategy.
Mayor Gray reiterated this commitment to the local business community when, earlier this week at his State of the District address, he announced that he would form a regulatory task force by Mayor’s Order to develop strategies to streamline the regulatory process. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) Director Nicholas Majett and David Goldblatt of the DC Chamber of Commerce have been selected to co-chair the task force.
"I created this task force to help our business community respond to a changing marketplace and evolving regulatory landscape," said Mayor Gray. "I believe DC can be the most business-friendly city in the country. I am mindful that, in the 21st century, regulation plays a very important role – and the District is right to be proud of our progressive rules protecting workers, consumers and the environment. But we have to make sure that we regulate in a responsible manner that also supports the growth of local business. This task force will ensure that we get things right."
The task force is charged with identifying existing laws and regulations that otherwise might impede the progress of a business. Additionally, it will also make necessary recommendations, including proposed legislation to eliminate any inconsistent regulations administered by DCRA. It will also monitor and track current and future proposals to reform regulations and identify their potential impact on a business.
"I am excited to co-chair this task force to help eliminate from the regulatory process any outdated or duplicative bureaucratic requirements that do little more than impede entrepreneurs from starting and running businesses that provide jobs for District residents," said Majett. "Like the Mayor, I know this city can be the most business-friendly city in the country. I look forward to working with the task force to make it fast and easy to set up a business in the District, while still protecting consumers, workers and the environment."
Goldblatt said, "I appreciate the Mayor putting his trust in me and with Director Majett and the other members of the task force. I’m sure we will have a positive impact on the regulatory environment of the District for new and existing District businesses."
"Streamlining touch points with the District government and investing in coordination across agencies are important steps to reducing barriers and limiting road blocks for small businesses," said Harold Pettigrew, Director of the District’s Department Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) and a member of the task force. "The work of the task force is important to improving the regulatory climate for business success here in the District."
As established, the task force is composed of 19 voting members, nine voting ex-officio members and four non-voting members. The Director of DCRA serves as co-chairperson of the task force. The Mayor appoints the other co-chairperson of the task force from among the voting members. Four business organizations will have at least one voting member and seven economic-growth sectors will be represented by at least one voting member.
The following members were sworn in by the Mayor this morning:
- Charles Barber, representing the Higher Education and Health Care Economic Growth Sector;
- Michael Thompson, representing the Higher Education and Health Care Economic Growth Sector;
- Veronica O. Davis, representing the Federal Government and Federal Contractors Economic Growth Sector;
- Kathy Hollinger, representing the Hospitality Economic Growth Sector;
- Stephen Marcus, representing the Professional Services Economic Growth Sector;
- David Briggs, representing the Real Estate and Construction Economic Growth Sector;
- Michael Howard, representing the Retail Economic Growth Sector;
- Rachel Holt, representing the Technology Economic Growth Sector;
- Sam von Pollaro, representing the Technology Economic Growth Sector;
- Mary L. Lynch, representing the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington;
- Karen Campbell, representing the Greater Washington Board of Trade;
- David Goldblatt; representing the DC Chamber of Commerce and co-chair;
- Margaret Singleton, representing the DC Chamber of Commerce;
- Cheryl Hamilton, representing the DC Building Industry Association;
- Reginald Bazile, designee representative of the Director of the District Department of Transportation;
- William C. Bowie; designee representative of the Chief Financial Officer;
- David Zipper; designee representative of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development;
- Harold Pettigrew, Director of the Department of Small and Local Business Development;
- Nicholas A. Majett; Director of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs and co-chair;
- Steven Kelton, designee representative of the Director of the District Department of the Environment;
- Tanya Stern, designee representative of the Director of the Office of Planning;
- Patrick Holmes, designee representative of the Director of the Department of Employment Services;
- Melanie Bell; designee representative of the City Administrator;
- Brian McDermott, non-voting member from a utility company, representing the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority;
- Steve C. Atkinson, non-voting member from a utility company, representing Pepco;
- Adam Fine, non-voting member from a utility company, representing Washington Gas;
- Donna Rattley-Washington, non-voting member from a telecommunications company, representing Comcast;
- Lloyd Jordan, public voting member; and
- Marla Bionick, public voting member.