TO: Agency Directors, Contracting Officers, Contract Specialists, Compliance Officers, Certified Business Enterprises and Private Developers
FROM: Ana Harvey, Acting Director, Department of Small and Local Business Development
DATE: March 18, 2015
SUBJECT: Special Notice
The Small and Certified Business Enterprise Waiver and Recertification Amendment Act of 2014, L20-0234 (“Waiver and Recertification Amendment”) became effective March 11, 2015, making amendments to the New CBE Law. The amendments affect all District agencies, departments, offices, boards, commissions, authorities, or other instrumentalities of the District government, as well as Certified Business Enterprises and private developers.
Enclosed is a synopsis summarizing the changes made by the Waiver and Certification Amendment as well as a revised version of the comprehensive synopsis previously distributed. DSLBD thanks you for your comments on the New CBE Law, and now requests comments on the most recent amendments. DSLBD will conduct training sessions aimed to provide an overview of the New CBE Law, as amended, and address your collective comments. As DSLBD is eager to schedule trainings, all comments must be submitted to [email protected] by March 26, 2015.
DSLBD looks forward to receiving all of your comments and is committed to providing outstanding customer service to the District of Columbia’s business community.