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Department of Small and Local Business Development

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District Capitalized MicroLine of Credit

 The District Capitalized Micro-Line of Credit pilot will award lines of credit up to $10,000 at 6% interest for a 1-year term with the option to renew to qualified DC-based businesses. The pilot will initially focus on these business groups: Made in DC certified, Certified Business Enterprises (CBE), or service businesses in the cleaning, landscaping, childcare, or sustainability industries.

Business lines of credit offer a pool of borrowed funds that business owners can tap any time to help:

  • Bridge cash-flow gap between contract awards and payments
  • Manufacture products to vend or fulfill a purchase order
  • Secure staff, equipment & supplies to meet customer demand
  • Build out or upgrade commercial space or vending truck/stand

What are the terms to borrow?

  • Line of credit up to $10,000
  • 6% interest
  • 1-year term with option to renew
  • No ($0) application fee

How can borrowed funds be used by a business?

  • Bridge cash-flow gap between contract awards and payments
  • Manufacture products to vend or fulfill a purchase order
  • Secure staff, equipment & supplies to meet customer demand
  • Build-out or upgrade commercial space or vending truck/stand

Who may apply?

DC resident that owns a business that has:

  • Headquarters in the District of Columbia
  • Active business license(s)
  • Active incorporation of a for-profit entity
  • Clean Hands Certificate compliance
  • Less than $50,000 annual revenue (may consider a higher amount)

The applicant is one (1) of the following:

To apply for the District Capitalized Micro-Line of Credit, eligible businesses must:

Attend the info session, Complete the online application, and Submit it by 8/3/2023 at 2 PM DST.

To apply and learn more, CLICK HERE