WASHINGTON, DC—The Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) is soliciting applications from eligible entities to manage its DC Commercial Clean Team Program in Ward 1.
The objective of the DC Commercial Clean Team Program is to provide neighborhood commercial districts with the following services: litter removal, graffiti removal, recycling and landscaping. These services will: improve the appearance of the commercial district to help increase foot traffic and, consequently, the opportunity for increased customer sales; reduce litter, graffiti, and posters to lessen the perception of an unsafe commercial area; maintain an attractive tree canopy, including landscaping, along the corridor; and, reduce stormwater pollution generated by DC’s commercial districts.
Eligible applicants are DC-based nonprofit organizations or businesses that: a) are incorporated in the District of Columbia; and, b) have experience with litter removal, graffiti removal, and recycling. The grant performance period will begin February 20, 2013 and end September 30, 2013. The grant award will be up to $56,410.26, based on the proposed service delivery plan.
DSLBD will select grant recipients through a competitive application process that will assess the proposed service delivery plan, costs, and applicant capacity.
The Request for Application (RFA), which comprises the online application and program guidelines, are due by January 30, 2013 at 4 pm. To access and complete the application, interested organizations must complete, sign, scan, and email an expression of interest form (see attachment below) to [email protected].
Access to the RFA closes on January 25, 2013 at 5:01 pm. DSLBD will host a Pre-Submission Meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 to provide an overview of the application process and answer any questions regarding the Program. To attend the meeting, interested organizations must complete, sign, scan, and email an Expression of Interest Form below to [email protected]. DSLBD will email meeting details to Expression of Interest respondents.
DC-based businesses and nonprofit organizations interested in applying:
- May download and review the service area map [PDF] and program overview [PDF] which includes information that may help prospective applicants determine if they would like to submit an expression of Iinterest (see attachment below);
- Must email an expression of interest form (see attachment below) to receive access to the online application. The last date to request access is January 25, 2013 at 5 pm; and,
- must submit their Application via an online form by January 30, 2013 at 4 pm.
For more information, call (202) 727-3900 or email [email protected] or [email protected].
About the District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD)
The District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) fosters the economic growth, development, and retention of District of Columbia based businesses, and promotes economic development throughout the District’s commercial corridors. For more information on all of DSLBD’s services, go to http://dslbd.dc.gov or contact us at [email protected].
Media Contacts:
- Brendon Miller (DSLBD), (202) 741-0860