Green Book: Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Opportunity Guide
Mayor Muriel Bowser released the Fiscal Year 2024 Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Opportunity Guide, also known as the Green Book, and, for the first time ever, announced a spending goal of $1.2 billion. The Green Book assists SBEs in navigating the local government procurement process by providing an agency-by-agency overview of SBE spending availability. For the second year in a row, the Green Book will be online, searchable, and interactive.
This year’s Green Book is all digital with its very own website (www.GreenBookDC.com)!
In addition to the PDF version of the book that you’ve come to know and love, the website is equipped with the all-new interactive District Spend Data Dashboard that will help you hunt for opportunities in a variety of ways:
More Data. The dashboard includes data on all available opportunities for each agency — way more than we could fit in the book!
Searchable. Information can be sorted in a variety of ways: by agency, by category, by keyword, and by NIGP codes.
Interactive. Visuals help contextualize data in the Green Book and quickly understand the opportunities available to small businesses in DC.
Mayor Bowser knows that in these challenging times, it is more important to keep local dollars local, and we know that making the Green Book searchable and interactive is one component of surpassing this year’s goal of $1 billion.
“The Green Book is one of our best tools for including DC’s local businesses in the District’s procurement strategy. Since 2016, we have continually allocated a larger percentage of District spending to support businesses based here in DC, and this year’s $1.2 billion spending goal is the largest yet,” said Mayor Bowser. “When DC’s businesses thrive, our residents thrive too. And leveraging District government to benefit DC’s businesses will help ensure that all Washingtonians have a fair shot throughout 2024.”
About the Green Book: Small Business Enterprise Opportunity Guide
In Fiscal Year 2016, Mayor Bowser charged the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity (DMGEO) and DSLBD to develop a guide designed to help Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) navigate the procurement opportunities available at District agencies. As such, DSLBD now annually develops the SBE Opportunity Guide with support from the Office of Contracting and Procurement and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
The Guide provides details on each monitored agency's budgets, outlines the goal-setting process for each agency, and identifies planned acquisitions and areas where spending waivers were applied.
View previous Green Books: