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Department of Small and Local Business Development

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District Capitalized

Centralize | Communicate | Collaborate | Champion

Access to Capital and Financing Resources for DC Businesses


District Capitalized is the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD)’s customer‐centric, inclusive coordinating program that  supports financing the creation, operation and growth of  District businesses, resident entrepreneurs, and  the partners who help them via:

  1. Products
  2. Guidance
  3. Ecosystem Support and Coordination
  1. PRODUCTS: Provision of and referral to financing products appropriate to a business’ needs, stage, type and capacity including:


  1. GUIDANCE: Offering training, tools and technical assistance to address barriers, manage finances, and obtain funding including:


  1. ECOSYSTEM SUPPORT AND COORDINATION: Supporting ecosystem partners to sustain and coordinate their efforts to finance DC businesses.
  • Coordinating technical assistance stakeholder discussions – email [email protected] to join
  • District Capitalized Dashboard provider search (coming)
  • Providing funding to local, CDFI lenders to support small businesses and those perceived to be “risker” by traditional lenders - download list of DSLBD-supported lenders


DSLBD’s District Capitalized OBJECTIVES are to:

  • Centralize -- Businesses and staff can readily find resources
  • Communicate -- Inform businesses.  Promote partners and products.
  • Collaborate --  Stakeholder engagement. Program design/delivery. Troubleshoot challenge.
  • Champion -- Equitable business access. Lender and partner support. Meeting all borrowers where they are to address busines financing barriers.



Subscribe to District Capitalized finance resource alerts for DC businesses, DC resident entrepreneurs and the service providers/agencies/lenders that support them

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